Management Archives - Cambodian Handicraft Association
Heng Thaily
By admin on July 2, 201300Thai Ly was born in PreyVengProvince into a poor family. She had 3 brothers and 3 sisters. In 1987, she decided to come to Phnom PenhCity to work at the Ministry of Social Action, she worked in the administrative affairs section within the Handicap Department. Later she worked in the Rehabilitation Department. In 1991, she was elected to work for International […] -
Chiv Sovannary
What I do depends on my health. I need to be patient with myself because my health is very important to me. I don’t hesitate to do any job and I work until it is finished. My effort, my struggle, my patience, are all very important, and some jobs I want to do better, but I can’t because I don’t […] -
Nhem Sambath
My body is not solid. I hope I don’t get a disease because if I get one, it would make my life sick also. When I was young, I didn’t have a goal at all, but now I want to have a job to do and have money. Now I reached my goal. I am very happy here […]